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Get Involved

Community Integration

The true key to the "Gold Standard" is you! We live in a unique community. We believe the interest and involvement Kiowa County and the surrounding communities can give to the lives of these youth will be unlike anything they will experience elsewhere. Check out the programs below & contact a board member to find how you can be involved!

Giving a Hand

Training to Lead

This program has roots in Stafford,KS. Training to Lead would provide our kids with the opportunity to learn how to train service dogs. Our goal is to not only train our own service pet but other dogs as well, as a way to give back to the surrounding communities.

Community Garden

Another Living Thing

Our goal is to provide avenues to care for “another living thing” be that a community garden, an aquarium, a 4H animal, or a plant or fish of their own. This is therapeutic in that it forces one out of their head, their own thoughts, and into a place of caring about someone or something else.

Informal Mentor

Creating and maintaining connections beyond our walls is significant to a successful transition to adulthood. We want to provide opportunities for our kids to be involved in a hobby, a project, local events, or business internship. If you have a passion you'd love to share - we want to hear from you!

Portrait of cheerful senior man fishing

Faith Community

Spiritual well-being is a significant part of development as a young adult. Our local congregations and youth groups can teach a sense of pesonal worth and purpose in life that youth desire to discover. We want strong connections and open doors to our local faith community. 

Image by Sincerely Media

Partner with Us to Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

Care of: Aaron Zadina

Centera Bank, Greensburg, KS


Pledge a donation today!.

Over the Phone

Call our Executive Director!

Tel: (316) 293-9979

Forest Hike

True North, Inc

True North is a non-profit group in Kiowa County aiming to set the gold standard in foster care. Our mission is to provide structure, stability, mentoring, and career direction to foster youth so they can develop a foundation of skills that prepares them for life.


Phone: (316) 293-9979

Registered Charity: 501c3

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